Sunday, January 5, 2014

Digital marketing and the days of likes & followers ▲ ▲ ▲
'evergreen marketing insighter' by Gloria Buono-Daly

Brand awareness and user engagement are integral for gauging the success of a marketing campaign. Yet, there are many other factors that need to be considered.

Although many marketers believe measuring the success of a campaign is by the amounts of "likes & followers," etc., research concludes that many companies who incorporate social media are not prepared because they do not have a metric strategy in place. Besides measuring social on engagement, conversion and revenue, there are many other challenges.

When it comes to sales and bottom lines, the digital marketing landscape no longer revolves around social media metrics and communities alone. There's much more to the equation which is more consumer driven and less social community based. With the many social platforms and digital channels, there is much speculation and inaccuracy in determining relationships.

The world of social media marketing is riddled with simultaneous text, images, geo-locations, iPhone, tablets, devices, etc., all in real time. There is no way managers can confidently make decisions based on complex data sources of this nature.

Major privacy programs are taking effect in 2014 and search engines are gradually incorporating hashtag search. Google has already implemented the use of hashtag searches on its search engine.

More and more marketers have accepted the fact that social media communities along with image-centric social media, geo-targeting and mobile marketing, are not meeting expectations. There's a whole lot more that will be going into digital marketing in 2014.

The hottest trends for 2014 are consumer oriented and are heavily involved with consumer protection and privacy.

As more and more people cling to their online devices (e.g., iPhones, tablets, laptops, etc.) marketers have accepted the fact that Web statistics (e.g., hits, followers, friends, likes, etc.) and social communities are not the major contributing factor to sales as originally anticipated.

In a world of big data, information and the feelings of being stalked on the internet, many consumers are opting for “privacy” over “social” despite dependencies on iphones, tablets, laptops, etc.

According to a recent Ad Age article, new laws and industry self-regulation privacy protections are being implemented in 2014 which will have a major impact for marketers and how they market to consumers.

Many thought leaders predict that 2014 will be the year of more customized content, video and technology disruptions; However, the days of tracking every move a consumer makes, will be diminishing as more and more legislative decisions and privacy protection programs get implemented.

In the world digital ecosystem, what marketing strategies are you incorporating for 2014? Do you believe the days of "likes and followers" are over? What impact do you think the digital revolution will bring for 2014?


▲  10 innovative digital marketing campaigns from Diageo brands, Econsultancy,
▲  Four iPad Stats Every Publisher Should Know, AdAge,
▲  Top Digital Marketing Trends in 2014, socialmediatoday,
6 digital marketing trends to watch out for in 2014, MoneyControl,
▲  Experts outline key digital marketing trend s for 2014, The Guardian,
▲  2014 Digital Trends and Predictions from Marketing and Thought Leaders, Forbes
▲  Three Big Privacy changes to Plan for in 2014, AdAge

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Do feel free to share your digital insights and thanks for visiting.

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"Digital marketing and the days of likes & followers" is part of the evergreen marketing insighter ▲▲▲ series by Gloria Buono-Daly

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